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Category Archives: Natural Medicine Articles

Meditation Learn to Meditate: A life skill that will improve your health and happiness, while ensuring an optimal sense of wellbeing Would you prefer a calmer, more peaceful life, managing the daily stress triggers with equanimity, as a human being (vs. a human doing!) from the still centre of a quiet mind? Learn to meditate, read more…

The Energy Vitamins: Vitamin B1/ Thiamine Written by Anri van der Merwe Vitamin B1, part of the B-complex vitamins, is crucial in the metabolism of carbohydrates, therefore the conversion of carbohydrates into energy for fuel. What does this mean? Vitamin B1 helps the body convert food into energy for fuel. Carbohydrates are broken down into read more…

Dr Arien’s Healthy Living Tips 1. Drink water Drink enough pure, clean water – 250ml for every 10kg body weight, every day. 2. Avoid toxins Avoid toxins in food, water and in your environment – take a regular detox break 3. Eat the right fats Eat the right fats – daily use of oils like read more…

The Energy Vitamins aka B-complex Vitamins Are you a B-liever or a non B-liever? Written by Anri van Rooyen The B vitamins consists of B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid) and B12 (cobalamin). Under the B vitamins we will also include choline, inositol and PABA. read more…

The Importance of Sleep Sleep restoration and rest More people now actively attend to nutrition & exercise to promote good health, but fail to recognise the importance of sleep. Sleep is the foundation for optimal alertness & performance. Sleep is critical to health, wellness & longevity and a vital physical need. One of the most read more…

The Nutritional Cost of Prescription Drugs Written by Dr Arien van der Merwe MBChB FRSPH MISMA Extracted from ‘Herbal Remedies’ by AvdM; Tafelberg Publishers Except for the known side effects, many of the most frequently prescribed drugs can cause nutrient depletion. Many of the side effects of drugs can be prevented by using basic food supplements read more…

Supporting your Immune and Respiratory Systems during Winter Because the symptoms of the common cold are caused by more than 200 different rhinoviruses (rhin = nose) the development of a vaccine for the common cold isn’t practical. By supporting your immune and respiratory systems, you will be able to prevent colds, flu and allergies. After read more…

Flu vs Cold: A Natural Approach with Dr Arien Most of us get a feeling of impending doom as winter approaches.The reason: cold and flu season associated with stuffy noses, fever, aches, pains. The following information might just help you to prevent and control the winter blues! Introduction: The difference between colds and flu Flu read more…

Mind Solutions for Sustainable Weight Release   The Mind Solutions Course is about identifying the deeper mental-emotional, subconscious saboteurs that thwart your best efforts at releasing weight permanently. We look at food addictions, emotional reasons for eating, toxic food and relationships, trapped negative emotions that lead to overeating, stressful situations, how to reprogram all these read more…

Insulin and Glucagon: Counterbalance for Sustained Weight Release Written by DrArien van der MerweMBChB FRSPH MISMA Support your metabolism by eating to increase glucagon Glucagon is a hormone that plays a major role in breaking down fat and energy stored in the liver as glucagon, thereby allowing your body to have optimal energy levels. Glucagon read more…

Weight Loss: Insulin, Blood Sugar, Stress, Sleep and Cortisol Written by Dr Arien van der Merwe The blood sugar craze With the epidemic of diabetes and metabolic syndrome plaguing the Western world, blood sugar and insulin have gotten their fair share of media attention. Blood sugar balance is a major principle of virtually every diet book read more…

Health & Happiness (Fox & Raven Publishing): Interview with Dr Arien Today we have a chat with Dr Arien van der Merwe, author of the best-selling Health & Happiness, now available as an ebook from yours truly. So let’s not waste any time, and get to it!   Tell us a bit about yourself – how read more…

Dr Arien’s Timeless DNA Serum   A potent and natural Serum with health and longevity promoting DNA telomerase supporting ingredients, blended with moisturising, healing and nourishing,mostly South African oils. Special oils and herbs were carefully selected to nourish, deeply moisturise, plump and rejuvenate even the most sensitive and dehydrated skin. Some of the oils were read more…

Antioxidants: Dr Arien’s Heart Brain Body Support & Antioxidant (excerpt from my book ‘Health & Happiness’, revised edition 2013, available from the Health Shop)   An antioxidant is exactly what is says: against oxygen. Every living thing needs oxygen. But certain kinds of oxygen can be dangerous and detrimental to our health.During all the metabolic read more…

Telomerase:   Some background to understand what telomeres are and what the enzyme telomerase does:   The DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid molecule) is coiled up as chromosomes inside the cell nucleus and contains the genetic code of all organisms. DNA informs cells which proteins to make. These proteins determine cell differentiation and every one of millions read more…

Dr Arien’s Timeless DNA Program Some background information We teach best what we most have to learn –Richard Bach Heaven on Earth is a choice you must make, not a place you must find – Wayne Dyer I’m passionate about the concept of ‘heaven on earth’ being a place we create every day of our read more…

Where it All Started and Program Outline   Being firmly in the centre of the Baby Boomer generation (those between 45 and 63 years of age at present), who have moved boundaries and old beliefs in all fields of human endeavour, from science, to wealth creation, health and even deciding how we’ll enter the wisdom read more…

Vitamin D: The sunshine vitamin Written by Dr Arien van der Merwe MBChB FRSPH MISMA as an article excerpt from Health and Happiness, the newly revised and edited book written by Dr Arien, published by HSM Publishers, Jan 2013. Please visit for more information The body makes vitamin D when sunlight is absorbed by read more…

Healthy Living Space ‘Health & happiness is your birthright’   Holistic Health                                   with Dr Arien   Dr Arien van der Merwe has recently launched the Healthy Living Space. As an important role player in promoting health, wellness and a happy, quality lifestyle, not only in the Greater Pretoria area, but also countrywide via innovative read more…

During a recent interview with Daleen Totten (Managing Editor of Natural Medicine Journal) Dr Arien van der Merwe, natural and integrative doctor and health coach, explains: Q: What do you see as important advances in natural integrative medicine today? A: More and more research is being done. Coming from a left-brain, scientific background, I find read more…
