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Category Archives: Cardiovascular System

Health Benefits of Weight/Fat Loss A little goes a long way when it comes to losing some body weight, particularly fat. Research has shown that losing 5-10% of your body weight, can have major benefits for your health. Such a small loss may not seem like much if you’re trying to fit into your bikini, read more…

Health Awareness The Importance of Health Screenings Health screenings can identify and assess the following health risks: diabetes, metabolic syndrome, high cholesterol, overweight and obesity, osteoarthritis, cancer, heart disease, chronic inflammation, depression, etc. Dr Arien herself is an example of why regular health screenings are so important. A very unpleasant surprise awaited her when she did read more…

The Most Important Nutrients for Heart Health The most important nutrients for heart health include: An antioxidant combination with enough vitamins A, E, C and minerals zinc, selenium, chromium High dosages (50-100mg each) of the B-complex vitamins B1, 3, 5, 6, choline, inositol; 50 microgram of B12 and biotin; 400 microgram of folic acid Magnesium read more…

How Unforgiveness Affects Your Heart ‘Forgiveness recognizes what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred. It does not pardon sins and make them real. It sees there was no sin. And in that view are all your sins forgiven’ ‘The holiest spot on earth is where a former hatred becomes a present read more…

Romantic love and its complex physiology  Written by Anri van der Merwe (BSc Hons Physiology) Most of us have experienced being ‘in love’ along with all the ‘roller coaster’ feelings associated with it. But what is love actually? Romantic love can be nerve-wrecking, confusing and somewhat terrifying, but also exciting, pleasurable and uplifting. Love is read more…

Four Levels: Healing your Heart 1. Physical Level: Opening your heart – healing your physical body to release cell memories, optimize physical health and use the body to connect to your mind, emotions and soul essence Identify body signals of severe stress: feel the pain, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, depression Breathing exercises to open the chest read more…

Your Heart: Shocking Facts & Stats The heart: where the physical body, the state of high vibrational love and the soul meet A thorough heart health risk evaluation should form part of everybody’s yearly preventative medical examination, whether or not you have symptoms or a positive history. The natural, integrative holistic treatment options are aimed at improving read more…

Ginkgo biloba   Summary of Ginkgo biloba’s many benefits in the human body Brain: keeps the mind alert, lifts the mood, regulates brain metabolism, enhances mental function, memory, concentration and focus. Circulation: improved blood supply with oxygen and nutrients to peripheral body parts (especially helpful for winter hands and feet as well as impotence). Senses: optimises read more…

Essential Fatty Acids Extract Summary from Dr Arien van der Merwe’s book Health & Happiness Poly- and mono-unsaturated fatty acids form part of the fats (lipids) that serve as a source of energy in the body. Fat is the form in which the body stores its energy. Lipids also form part of the phospholipid structure read more…

Coconut Oil Facts Written by Anri van der Merwe. Adapted from an Article by Something Natural What is coconut oil? Coconut oil is preserved form the white meat of the coconut. There are two types of coconut oil, namely: 1. Virgin coconut oil – pressed form the fresh meat of raw coconuts. It is cold-pressed read more…

Spice Up Your Life Spices are not just great in food but the health benefits are unbelievable!   Try this easy recipe for allergies: Mix together a pinch each of ginger, cinnamon, mustard powder and turmeric, with a little raw honey in hot water – it makes for a delightful spicy drink. Add a pinch read more…

Health Benefits of Weight/Fat Loss A little goes a long way when it comes to losing some body weight, particularly fat. Research has shown that losing 5-10% of your body weight, can have major benefits for your health. Such a small loss may not seem like much if you’re trying to fit into your bikini, read more…

Meditation Learn to Meditate: A life skill that will improve your health and happiness, while ensuring an optimal sense of wellbeing Would you prefer a calmer, more peaceful life, managing the daily stress triggers with equanimity, as a human being (vs. a human doing!) from the still centre of a quiet mind? Learn to meditate, read more…

The Nutritional Cost of Prescription Drugs Written by Dr Arien van der Merwe MBChB FRSPH MISMA Extracted from ‘Herbal Remedies’ by AvdM; Tafelberg Publishers Except for the known side effects, many of the most frequently prescribed drugs can cause nutrient depletion. Many of the side effects of drugs can be prevented by using basic food supplements read more…

Health & Happiness (Fox & Raven Publishing): Interview with Dr Arien Today we have a chat with Dr Arien van der Merwe, author of the best-selling Health & Happiness, now available as an ebook from yours truly. So let’s not waste any time, and get to it!   Tell us a bit about yourself – how read more…

Antioxidants: Dr Arien’s Heart Brain Body Support & Antioxidant (excerpt from my book ‘Health & Happiness’, revised edition 2013, available from the Health Shop)   An antioxidant is exactly what is says: against oxygen. Every living thing needs oxygen. But certain kinds of oxygen can be dangerous and detrimental to our health.During all the metabolic read more…

Vitamin D: The sunshine vitamin Written by Dr Arien van der Merwe MBChB FRSPH MISMA as an article excerpt from Health and Happiness, the newly revised and edited book written by Dr Arien, published by HSM Publishers, Jan 2013. Please visit for more information The body makes vitamin D when sunlight is absorbed by read more…
