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Mind Solutions Course for Sustainable Weight Release

This course addresses the emotional reasons for overweight as well as food addictions. It helps you identify and deal with the deeper mental-emotional, subconscious saboteurs that thwart your best efforts at releasing weight permanently.

Do you go on diets, lose weight with extreme willpower and effort, only to pile it on again, after 3-12 months? If you’re like most people, you’re sick and tired of battling with your weight.  You are hoping that THIS TIME you will FINALLY be able to drop the excess weight once and for all. It’s impossible to get rid of, or rather release, the excess weight doing the SAME THINGS you did the LAST TIME AND THE MANY TIMES BEFORE THAT – unless you do something DIFFERENT. You’re not alone!

Did you know…..80 million Americans, 6 million Australians and 19 million people in the United Kingdom go on some type of diet EVERY YEAR! 60% will give up within 30 days or less, and the rest will give up within 60-90 days. 97% of all these people will regain or put on MORE WEIGHT than they STARTED WITH within 12 months.

You know the drill. You go on a diet, exercise, cut down the foods that you enjoy, lose weight and then even before you’re done with celebrating the weight loss, it’s all back!  Another diet failure….. What’s wrong with you? Why can’t you just stay on a diet, lose the weight and keep it off?  Is it because you’re weak and lack willpower and self-discipline? NO! Stop beating yourself up! We all have a conscious and a subconscious mind. If we don’t address the subconscious mind, the willpower of the conscious mind, will never be strong enough to maintain your fat loss and weight release efforts.

Dr Arien’s Mind Solutions might just be the course you need! It will help you make your own subconscious emotional saboteurs conscious, so that they can be released forever. The course will help you become aware and manage food addictions, reasons for behaviour and eating, and also teach you ways to effectively manage the daily stresses and strains around food and other health challenges.

The Mind Solutions Course is about identifying the deeper mental-emotional, subconscious saboteurs that thwart your best efforts at releasing weight permanently. The course occurs over 6 sessions of about 1 hour each, done in 2 hour sessions), where each participant discovers her own reasons for over eating, or desire for the wrong foods. We look at food addictions, emotional reasons for eating, toxic food, toxic relationships, stressful situations, how to re-program all these erroneous beliefs, to ultimately keep  your commitment to yourself to help your body return to its natural state of balanced health and wellbeing (homeostasis) – after all, our bodies want to be healthy and full of energy!

There are assignments given at each session, to help you practically work with your own issues and challenges, we come together during each session, as a supportive group where we share our experiences and insights in a safe space, and together, we finally come to a place of inner knowing, release and self acceptance. This is how we finally break free from the old subconscious brain patterns that keep us stuck in a vicious circle of restrictive dieting, losing weight up to a point, and finally putting it all back on again, and more! Join us on this journey of self exploration, sharing with others who understand the challenges, to laugh, learn, share and grow together!

Feedback from previous course participants:

CB: I learned something precious during the sessions that dealt with every day, ordinary objects. They seemingly have value and are observed by our subconscious mind even if our intellect deemed them unimportant.This knowledge could be put to use to become more in touch with myself, more aware of what was happening deep inside my heart. I went home determined to make use of my newly found knowledge. Out of the garage came a plastic bag full of pebbles I had picked up on the beach during a previous holiday. At the time I had chosen each pebble for the beauty I saw in it, regardless of its size. I was looking for smoothness and a kind of symmetry in each. I unpacked them on a glass plate, randomly, as they came out of the bag. Before my eyes a picture of amazing beauty just happened. It took my breath away! The plate of pebbles, in shades of grey, now beautifies my bedroom. Looking at them gives me pure joy and they speak to me of tranquillity and peace. My life has been enriched. Thank you.

ZL: I worked very hard on Tuesday, felt frustrated, tired and irritated. Once home, I wanted to eat something sweet. Because of the processes covered in the course, I realised I was looking for relief from the hard work, as well as compensation for all the hard work. This helped me conquer the urge for sweetness and I ate a handful of almonds instead. The feeling completely subsided!

MA: I appreciate this course, because it feels really good to share with others, knowing I’m not the only one with struggles around food and emotions. The practical exercises also help me to focus.

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